Homeschool Tips for Dealing with Irregular Schedules


One of the hardest things for moms to wrap their heads around when they are thinking of homeschooing while also working is how to fit a full homeschool day in when they also have to work.  Obviously every person’s working and homeschooling journey will be different, but I want to share some of my favorite tips for homeschooling with an irregular schedule!

I homeschool and run an online business, 2 Etsy shops, a before and after school daycare business, and do freelance work as well.  It’s A LOT, but it also has allowed me to stay home and homeschool my 3 daughters so I’m incredibly grateful!  Through talking to other moms who work and homeschool and also refining my schedule and systems, I’ve learned quite a few tips to make an unconventional homeschool lifestyle work and I’m going to share some of those tips with you today!



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