Breaking Down Myths about Working Homeschool Moms


We all have heard countless myths about homeschooling kids and their moms even if we aren’t homeschooling families.  But, there is a smaller group within the homeschool community (which is probably larger than you probably think) that consists of two parent working homeschool families (or single working homeschool parents).  I have heard many myths about this working homeschool lifestyle and I wanted to discuss some of the myths today!  Some do have some truth to them but some just aren’t true at all for most of us.

I’m sharing this so that fellow working homeschool moms feel seen and understood and also so that those who work and dream of homeschooling see that it may not really be what they imagine it to be in their head!


Homeschool Tips for Dealing with Irregular Schedules


Shelly of Little House on the Homestead, Biz Owner + ASL Interpreter